
Under the direction of the application development supervisor, five members of the Application Development Division develop, support and maintain mission-critical enterprise applications throughout the organization. The division provides project management, integration services and daily support of major vendor applications. In addition, the division also develops, services and supports other departmental needs, including relational database and web development.

Services and Supported Applications

  • Business-centric application support for vendor and in-house applications.
    • Budget, property taxes, financial accounting, purchasing, elections, motor vehicle, human resources and payroll.
  • Network application support for Document Management Systems.
    • Sharepoint, OnBase and web content management systems.
  • Enterprise permitting system.
    • Odyssey, server maintenance and support, SQL server database administration and enterprise ArcSDE geographic database system.
    • Numerous vendor and custom applications including phone directory, Records Warehouse and Animal Control.
  • Public safety application development and support.
    • 9-1-1 Testing Application, Coroner application, Criminal Justice Reporting and Warrants Web Service.