
The Missoula Air Quality Advisory Council (MAQAC) is a volunteer council of technical experts, business and industry professionals and citizens-at-large, providing consultation to the Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Board for the purpose of improving air quality


Meetings - Open to the Public

Meetings of the Air Quality Advisory Council are open to the public. The meetings are usually held on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. They are conducted in the Board Conference Room (Room 210) on the second floor of the Missoula City-County Health Department, located at 301 West Alder. If you would like to receive agendas and other information about the Advisory Council, we can add you to our Interested Parties list. The meeting dates and times are subject to change or cancellation. 

If you have questions, please address your inquiries to airquality@missoulacounty.us or call (406) 258-3642.



The council consists of up to nine volunteer members, a maximum of four alternates, and one student associate. In keeping with the council's Charge, individuals are sought who have expertise in areas related to air quality including chemical engineering, environmental engineering, environmental law, environmental studies, forestry, health care, industrial sources, meteorology, outdoor burning, public relations and transportation. Other members may be appointed as citizens-at-large.

Click here for the current AQAC membership list.


The Charge for the Air Quality Advisory Council was last revised and adopted by the Air Pollution Control Board on December 20, 2018.

Upcoming Meetings

For upcoming meetings please visit the City of Missoula Calendar.

The next AQAC meeting on Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024, has been cancelled. Check back for information about the August AQAC which will be in Conference Room 210 at the Health Department (301 W. Alder). There will also be an option to join remotely via Microsoft Teams. The link to the Teams meeting is in the Agenda which can be found under the "Minutes & Agendas" page linked below. Email airquality@missoulacounty.us if you have any questions. 

 Minutes & Agendas

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