Missoula City-County Health Department uses city- and county-level data on the health and well-being of Missoula County residents and the environment in decision-making and program planning. The reports include data from the city, county, state and health department.


Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) Behavioral Health Survey 2018: Missoula County has an abundance of behavioral health professionals and programs, yet public documents consistently rank lack of access as a dire community need. In 2018, the Missoula City-County Health Department (MCCHD) developed a Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) prioritizing data collection on this issue. As a result, a partnership was developed between the University of Montana School of Public & Community Health graduate program and the CHIP Behavioral Health workgroup. In
a collaborative effort, we created and distributed a survey to collect data on the barriers low-income adults face when attempting to access behavioral health services in Missoula County. 

July 2018–June 2023 Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP): A CHIP is a public health work plan for the community as a whole. A CHIP represents a shared community vision. It focuses on collaborative work among many key groups whose efforts all support the health and well-being of residents. The 2017 CHA process and resulting report directly addressed social determinants of health, causes of higher health risks and poorer health outcomes, and health inequities.

2017 Missoula County Community Health Assessment (CHA):  Provides data on a wide range of indicators of health and well-being in Missoula County.  Created by a collaboration of county agencies.

2017 Missoula County Rural Communities Report: The rural community assessment was conducted between June and August 2017. The purpose of the assessment was two-fold: broaden Missoula County residents’ understanding of “health”; and, directly engage with community members to learn about their town’s perceived strengths and needs with the intention of better serving the county.

2014 Missoula County Community Health Assessment (CHA): Provides data on a wide range of indicators of health and well-being in Missoula County. Created by a collaboration of county agencies.

2015-2018 Missoula County Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP): A multi-agency community work plan based on data from the CHA and created by a collaboration of Missoula County agencies. This CHIP focuses on two priority areas identified by the collaboration: access to health care and obesity prevention.

2019-2021 Missoula City-County Health Department Strategic Plan: MCCHD's strategic priorities for the three-year period. Staff, managers, advisory councils and the Board of Health were involved in creating this plan.

2015 Missoula County Health Equity Report focusing on American Indian/Alaska Natives and people with disabilities. MCCHD created this report as an addendum to the 2014 Missoula County Community Health Assessment. It was shared with community agencies involved in the Community Health Assessment and Community Health Improvement Plan.

2016 Missoula County Health Equity Report focusing on poverty in Missoula. MCCHD created this report as an addendum to the 2014 Missoula County Community Health Assessment. It was shared with community agencies involved in the Community Health Assessment and Community Health Improvement Plan.

Health Maps

The Missoula City-County Health Department has created interactive health maps that are fantastic tools for visualizing data for the city and county. 


An increasing amount of county-level data has become available online. These resources provide data on health and well-being in Missoula County.

County Health Rankings: A project of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to highlight health statistics for every county in the US.
Montana State Department of Health & Human Services Community Health Data: Health data for all Montana counties, including behavioral risk factors, disease and hospitalization rates, environmental health, maternal and child health and social and mental health.
American Fact Finder: US Census data with the ability to search by county.
Community Commons: Data maps on a wide variety of community indicators. 
PolicyMap: Data maps covering 37,000 indicators down to the census tract. Some data is free, but some require a subscription. 
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS): Results of surveys of adults about behaviors related to disease and health.
Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS): Results of surveys of school-age children about behaviors related to disease and health. Montana data is broken down by region. You can also request county-level data.
Montana Vital Statistics: Birth and death data reports. 
CDC Diabetes Atlas: Data on diabetes for all counties in the U.S.
The Commonwealth Fund: Health system performance, broken down by regions.

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