The Missoula City-County Health Department applied for accreditation in the summer of 2013. After intensive document review and a site visit, we were awarded accreditation in March 2014. We were among the first 33 health departments in the U.S. to be accredited.

Public health accreditation was launched in 2011. Accreditation is voluntary. The Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) oversees public health accreditation. PHAB is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving and protecting the health of the public by advancing the quality and performance of Tribal, state, local, and territorial public health departments.

Foundations of Public Health Accreditation

Public health accreditation standards are based on:

The 10 Essential Public Health Services
Public Health Performance Management 
Quality Improvement

Reaccreditation in 2020

MCCHD was awarded Reaccreditation in 2020 - one of just 52 health departments across the U.S. to have achieved reaccreditation status. The MCCHD is dedicated to accountability and the highest quality of public health services for the people of Missoula City and County. 

Accreditation Staff:

Cindy Farr, Director, Health Promotion
Michele Sare, Accreditation and Training Coordinator
Kristie Scheel, Performance Management & Quality Improvement Coordinator

To learn more about public health accreditation, visit the website of the Public Health Accreditation Board.


Accred photo sign           Accred photo people