A Priority for Missoula County

Missoula County is committed to addressing climate change and building resiliency in our government operations and throughout our communities. Missoula County recognized the threat of climate change in the 2016 Growth Policy, which includes the following goal:

“Missoula County seeks to reduce its contribution to climate change while promoting resiliency and adapting to its impact on the natural environment and communities.” (Goal 4, p. 2-8)

The Missoula County Sustainability Program was created in 2017 to advance climate action and resiliency work, and has been pursuing the following initiatives to achieve the County's goals:  

1) 100% Clean Electricity

In April 2019, Missoula County and the City of Missoula jointly adopted a goal of 100% clean electricity for the Missoula urban area by 2030. Click here for details.

2) Climate Ready Missoula

Here in Montana, we are experiencing the impacts of climate change in the form of record-breaking summer temperatures, droughts, and longer wildfire seasons. Missoula County, jointly with Climate Smart Missoula and the City of Missoula, led a two-year stakeholder driven process to develop Climate Ready Missoula, a plan to prepare and adapt to the local impacts of climate change. It was adopted as an issue plan of the Missoula County Growth Policy in May 2020. Check it out at the Climate Ready Missoula website or watch the quick video below to learn more. 

3) Carbon Neutrality in County Government Operations

In March 2019, Missoula County established a goal of carbon neutrality in county government operations by 2035. Click here for details.

4) Building(s) for the Future

Missoula County is a partner with Climate Smart Missoula and the City of Missoula in the Building(s) for the Future initiative, with the goal of making Missoula homes and buildings healthier, more affordable, more comfortable, and more energy efficient. Watch the video below for a quick and engaging explanation of what it means to build for the future and why we need to get started today. 

As part of this effort, we recently launched Electrify Missoula, to transition Missoula away from fossil fuels and towards a healthier, more affordable clean energy future.


5) Solar Energy Program
Check out these resources for Missoula County residents interested in solar energy.