We are so grateful to the Missoula Community and for how much Missoula County residents and businesses care for dogs, cats, rabbits, birds and other animals!  Donations make a huge difference to our shelter and what we can do for the animals in our care.  See the list below for those things that we can use the most.  Financial donations go towards medical care for the animals, animal enrichment, and other shelter needs throughout the year.  We are also working on a project to expand and remodel the shelter that will give all our dogs and cats double-sided housing, our dogs more access to the outdoors, our cats smaller and more flexible spaces to reduce stress, rooms for people to meet potential pets and more.  

Donations to the shelter are tax deductible, and can be made a number of ways:

Mail a check or drop by our shelter located at 6700 Butler Creek Road, Missoula, MT 59808.

Donate an item(s)

              Donate an item through our Amazon wish list

Wish List Items

Fleece Blankets
Wash Cloths
Laundry detergent (liquid or powder)
Paper towels
Disinfecting wipes
Costco dog biscuits
Large washable, durable dog toys
Large Nylabones
Cat toys
Chicken and turkey-flavored pâté cat food

Link to the shelter’s Amazon Wishlist:


There are some items that we can’t use.  These include:

Electrical Blankets or blankets with feathers/fill
Crocheted blankets (paws/nails can get stuck!)
Extra large dog beds (difficult to wash!)
Cat trees (difficult to keep clean)
Expired food
Rawhide treats 

If you have item(s) not listed that you think we could use, please email animalcontrol@missoulacounty.us or call 406-541-7387.  Thank you so much, Missoula County!