Air Quality in Missoula County

Current Air Quality in Missoula icon.


Current Air Quality Issues

Wildfire smoke will be here sooner than  you think! Are you ready?

August 17, 2017 Lolo Peak Fire

Prepare for wildfire smoke season:

Wildfire Smoke-Ready Resources and Blog

Stay informed about local conditions:

Wildfire Smoke Daily Updates for Missoula County

Check hourly PM2.5 concentrations across the state:

Montana's Today's Air Website

Public Notices

Lolo National Forest Outdoor Burning Permit - Application Submitted

The Lolo National Forest (Missoula, Ninemile, and Seeley Lake Ranger Districts) has applied for an outdoor burning permit to conduct prescribed wildland burning in Missoula County in 2024. The public is invited to comment on the application, which is linked below. A public notice was published in the Missoulian on January 13, 2024 requesting comments. All comments must be received by the Health Department by 5 p.m. on February 2, 2024. Comments must be in writing and can either be mailed to 301 W. Alder, Missoula, MT 59802, or emailed to 

2024 Lolo NF Missoula County Burn Locations

2024 Lolo NF Missoulian Legal Ad

Air Pollution Control Board Hearing

The Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Board (Air Board) will hold a Hearing on proposed changes to the Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Program on April 21, 2022 at or shortly after 12:15 p.m.

The Air Board meets in the Sophie Moiese Room at the Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 W. Broadway.  Public comment on the proposed changes to the Air Program will be heard at the Hearing. 

Summary of proposed rules and the proposed rules are linked to below.  Submit written comments or questions on the proposed rules to Benjamin Schmidt; contact information available on this page in right side column.

Summary of Proposed Rules 2022

Proposed Rules 2022:  Proposed deletions are struck out.  New language proposed is underlined.

Response to Comments from February, 2020 Hearing

Missoulian Legal Add

MCA 75-2-301 Applicability

MCA 75-2-301 Findings

Hearing Date:  April 21, 2022

Hearing Location: Sophie Moiese Room, Missoula County Courthouse, 200 W. Broadway

Hearing Time:  12:15 PM

Comments Due by Noon April 20, 2022 or at the Hearing



The Air Quality Program at the Missoula City-County Health Department (MCCHD) monitors air quality and regulates outdoor air pollution sources such as: industry, wood stoves, fireplaces, outdoor burning and dusty roads.

You can find more information about the current air quality conditions in Missoula County by visiting our Current Air Quality page. You can also see particulate pollution information from Missoula and communities around the state at the Montana Department of Environmental Quality's Today's Air website.

Use the navigation menu on the left or choose from the links below to learn more about the major air quality topics in Missoula.

Air Quality Topics

Industrial Sources

Outdoor Burning

Oxygenated Fuel

Paving and Dust Control

Wildfire Smoke

Woodstoves and Fireplaces

About the Air Program

Air Pollution Control Board

Air Quality Advisory Council

Air Quality Division Information


Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Program Rules

Missoula County's Air

History, Trends and Studies 

Interested Parties

If you would like to receive Air Quality Advisory Council agendas and other air quality information by email or mail, contact Sarah Coefield or Benjamin Schmidt and ask to be put on the Interested Parties list.  Be sure to include your name as well as your email or mailing address.