Building Community Climate Resiliency

While it is essential for the Missoula community to reduce its carbon footprint to address the climate crisis, the fact is that our climate is already changing. Hotter, drier summers and warmer, wetter winters mean more spring flooding, more summer drought, longer wildfire seasons, and more wildfire smoke. The Climate Ready Missoula plan, adopted by the City of Missoula and Missoula County in May 2020, identifies a broad range of strategies that are needed to protect the Missoula community's health and safety, our economy, and our ecosystems in the face of these changes. 

Goals and Strategies to Build Resiliency

Our Climate Ready Missoula plan identified 29 goals and 77 strategies, across 8 sectors, to address climate impacts in Missoula County. To read more about the specific strategies and implementation progress to date, visit Below is a summary of the climate impacts that Missoula County is already experiencing and will continue to experience. 

Climate Impacts

Wildfire Smoke
Higher Temperatures
Wetter Winters/Springs and Flooding
Drier Summers and Drought
Climate Variability
Climate Migration