The Substance Use Disorder Prevention (SUDP) program at the Missoula City-County Health Department collaborates to prevent substance use disorder and other potential harms related to the use of substances across the lifespan.


The following coalitions are coordinated by the Substance Abuse Prevention program:

Healthy Missoula Youth  – A coalition made up of key community partners working to prevent the potential harms related to early substance use.

Missoula Drug Safety Coalition –  A coalition aiming to create a community where opioid and drug overdoses are significantly reduced, paving the way for a safer and healthier environment for all residents.

Healthy Start Missoula – An early childhood coalition working to support families and caregivers who are expecting a baby or with children ages 0-8.

Perinatal Substance Use Network - A community collaborative seeking to reduce child removals due to substance use during and after pregnancy. 


Staff present on a variety of topics related to substance use disorder prevention and substance use disorder, free of charge, to youth, parents, businesses, groups, organizations, etc. If you would like to schedule a training, please contact Leah (lfitch-brody@missoulacounty) and Anna ( and they can either provide the training you desire or attempt to connect you to someone who can. A few topics they often present on include: 

  • Overdose Prevention and Response Training
  • Medication Safety Training
  • Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences (PACEs) Training
  • Linking Systems of Care Trauma-Informed Approaches Training