OLCMissoula County contains a diverse mix of forests, grass lands, agricultural lands and water resources. These important resources are spread across private and public land, connect to large, intact ecosystems and contain vibrant communities. Our program is focused on connecting communities, private landowners, local organizations and agencies with resources and opportunities to conserve these important resources. Many of the tools we use to accomplish this work came about as a direct result of the Missoula County Open Lands Working Group, which produced a report and recommendations to the Missoula Board of County Commissioners in 2006.


PartnershipsOLC Partnership

Our work is done in partnership with a variety of groups ranging from community groups to federal agencies. This includes funding voluntary conservation efforts through the Open Space Bond program, managing the natural resources in County Parks, and working with partners to restore ecosystem health.


Learn more about…

2006 Open Space Bond Program

2018 Open Space Bond

Open Lands Citizen Advisory Committee

Land Stewardship Award

2019 Missoula Urban Area Open Space Plan  

Restoration Projects

PLACE Project - conservation and community resources mapping tool