A hazardous product is labeled at least one of the following:

  • Toxic - Poisonous or causes long-term illness.
  • Flammable - Burns easily
  • Corrosive - Eats through material (acid)
  • Reactive - Can explode (when exposed to heat, air, water or shock)


Danger or Poison refers to a product that is highly toxic. Danger may also mean extremely flammable or corrosive.

Warning or Caution refer to a less hazardous product.

If the label does not contain any of these words then the product is not considered hazardous.


  • “Harmful or fatal if swallowed” (product is poisonous)
  • “Keep out of reach of children” (product is toxic or has other hazards)
  • “Use only in a well-ventilated area” (product fumes are toxic)
  • “Do not use near heat or flame” (product is flammable or may change properties)
  • “Causes severe burns on contact” (product is corrosive)

List of Alternative Household Products

Disposing of Hazardous Material:

Use up what you have, give it to someone who needs it, or recycle it.    You can also check out ZERObyFIFTY for other disposal options.