Solid fuel burning devices such as woodstoves and fireplaces are the primary source of winter air pollution throughout Missoula County. In order to clean up the air and protect residents' health, the Missoula City-County Health Department has implemented rules about which devices may be installed and when they must be removed.

Woodstove Information Map:  Includes properties in Missoula Air Stagnation Zone with stoves that can remain on point of sale.  Click with left mouse button on property for site specific woodstove information.

Woodstove Removal Program in the Air Stagnation Zone

When property changes ownership inside the Air Stagnation Zone, older stoves must be removed and a certificate of compliance form must be filed at the Clerk &Recorder's Office in the Courthouse. Visit the Woodstove Removal Program webpage for more information.

What Stoves Can Be Installed in the City or County

Depending on your location, there may be limitations on what kind of solid fuel burning device you may install. Visit the stove installation page to learn more about what kind of device you can install in your area and explore an interactive map for detailed information.

Burn Stoves Cleanly and Efficiently

Proper stove operation can go a long way toward reducing pollution and increasing the amount of heat you get out of your firewood.  Visit the woodstove operation tips page to learn how to get the most out of your stove with the least impact on your health.

Pellet and Woodstove Basics

Not all stoves are created equal, and each type has some very specific characteristics.  Visit the Pellet and Woodstove Basics page to learn about different types of solid fuel burning devices.

Air Alerts and Warnings Woodstove Restrictions

When the Missoula City-County Health Department calls air pollution alerts and warnings, restriction on woodstove and fireplace use go into effect. It is the stove owner's responsibility to check for alerts and warnings and follow emission restrictions.Visit the Air Alerts and Warnings page for more information.


Throughout Missoula County and Western Montana, the National 24-Hour Particulate Matter for particulate 2.5 microns in diameter and smaller (PM2.5) is threatened in the winter when temperature inversions trap air pollution to the valley floors. The main source of winter air pollution comes from residential woodstoves and fireplaces. To protect public health and keep particulate levels below the PM2.5 standard, it is crucial that wood stoves burn cleanly and that only the cleanest burning devices are installed. Over the years, several residential woodstove (solid fuel burning device) rules have been implemented in the Missoula Air Stagnation Zone . Efforts by many individuals over the decades has greatly reduced wood smoke levels and improved Missoula's air quality. Because smoke from woodstoves causes elevated particulate levels through out the county, new woodstove installation rules went into affect in 2010. Only clean burning devices will be permitted for installation through most of Missoula County.