In the Missoula Air Stagnation Zone most new roads, parking lots and residential driveways must be paved.  You can use the wood stove Air Stagnation Zone map linked to below to see if a specific property is in or outside the Missoula Air Stagnation Zone.

Missoula Air Stagnation Zone Property Data Base Map

The Missoula Air Stagnation Zone has paving rules for new driveways, parking lots and roads because road dust used to cause violations to the particulate National Ambient Air Quality Standards.  By paving existing gravel roads, switching to deicer in place of sand for winter traction, and requiring new vehicle use areas to be paved, Missoula has been able to meet and maintain compliance with the particulate standard.


Residential Driveways

By definition, a residential driveway serves 2 or fewer residential units.  A new duplex access would count as a new driveway while an access for a tri-plex would count as road. New driveways that access a paved road must be paved 20 feet back from the paved road or to the edge of the right of way, which ever is longer. 

If a new driveway accesses a gravel road the driveway may not be required to pave but a waiver of the option to protest a road paving SID/RSID will need to be completed and filed at the Missoula County Clerk and Treasurers Office.  See driveway application and waiver forms linked to below.  Forms need to be submitted to Environmental Health at 301 W Alder ST.

Residential Driveway Permit and Application Form

Waiver of the Option to Protest Paving Form


Parking Areas and Roads

Most new roads and parking lots in the Missoula Air Stagnation Zone must be paved.  Parking lots for apartment buildings must be paved.  Storage yards may not be required to pave, but minimal gravel standards and emissions controls would then be required.   See application and permit form linked to below.  Forms need to be submitted to Environmental Health at 301 W Alder ST.

Road, Parking Lot, and Storage Area Application and Permit