Scroll down or choose from the links below to learn more about wildfire particulate pollution health impacts and associated department action.

Good                                           Moderate                      Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups

Unhealthy                                   Very Unhealthy                               Hazardous


Air Quality Category: Good

Particulate Matter Concentration (PM2.5)

Nowcast: 0-12 µg/m3

Visibility Ranges 13 Miles and up
Health Effects None
Cautionary Statements None
Department Action None.


Air Quality Category: Moderate

Particulate Matter Concentration (PM2.5) Nowcast: 12-34 µg/m3

Visibility Ranges 9 to 13 Miles
Health Effects Possible aggravation of heart and lung disease
Cautionary Statements None
Department Action None.


Air Quality Category: Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups

 Particulate Matter Concentration (PM2.5) Nowcast: 35-55
Visibility Ranges 5 to 9 Miles
Health Effects Increasing likelihood of symptoms in sensitive individuals, aggravation of heart or lung disease and premature death in persons with cardiopulmonary disease, smokers and the elderly.
Cautionary Statements People with heart or lung disease, smokers, children and the elderly should
limit prolonged exposure.
Department Action. Inform public of potential smoke impacts. Recommend student athletes with respiratory illness limit outdoor activity and have rescue inhalers readily available.


Air Quality Category: Unhealthy

Particulate Matter Concentration (PM2.5) Nowcast: 56-150 µg/m3
Visibility Ranges 2.25 to 5 Miles
Health Effects Increased aggravation of heart or lung disease and premature death in persons with cardiopulmonary disease, smokers and the elderly; increased respiratory effects in general population.
Cautionary Statements People with heart or lung disease, smokers, children and the elderly should limit heavy or prolonged exertion and limit time spent outdoors.

People with asthma should follow asthma management plan.

People experiencing symptoms of heart or lung disease associated with smoke exposure should contact their health care provider.
Department Action. . Inform public of potential smoke impacts. Recommend postponing/delaying outdoor sporting events, especially high exertion activities like soccer and track and field. If event/practice is held, recommend athletes with asthma or other respiratory illness not to participate. Everyone should limit outdoor activity.


Air Quality Category: Very Unhealthy

Particulate Matter Concentration (PM2.5) Nowcast: 151-250 µg/m3
Visibility Ranges 1.25 to 2 Miles
Health Effects Significant aggravation of heart or lung disease and premature death in persons with cardiopulmonary disease, smokers, and the elderly. Significant increase in respiratory effects in general population
Cautionary Statements People with heart or lung disease, smokers, children and the elderly should avoid heavy or prolonged exertion and stay indoors when possible

People with asthma should follow asthma management plan.

People experiencing symptoms of heart or lung disease associated with smoke exposure should contact their health care provider.

Everyone else should limit prolonged exertion and limit time spent outdoors
Department Action.

Inform public of potential smoke impacts.

Recommend no outdoor activity for persons under 18

Recommend cancellation of outdoor public gatherings, especially athletic events, activities, and practices.


Air Quality Category: Hazardous

Particulate Matter Concentration (PM2.5) Nowcast: 250+ µg/m3
Visibility Ranges 1.25 Miles or less
Health Effects Serious aggravation of heart or lung disease and premature mortality in persons with cardiopulmonary disease, smokers, and the elderly. Serious risk of respiratory effects in general population.
Cautionary Statements People with heart or lung disease, smokers, children and the elderly should avoid any outdoor activity.

People with asthma should follow asthma management plan.

People experiencing symptoms of heart or lung disease associated with smoke exposure should contact their health care provider.

Everyone else should avoid heavy and prolonged exertion and limit time spent outdoors.
Department Action

Inform public of potential smoke impacts.

Recommend no outdoor activity for persons under 18

Recommend canceling all (indoor and outdoor) athletic events, activities and practices.

The department may also institute any of the advisories and requirements listed in the Missoula County Air Stagnation Plan, if deemed necessary to protect public health.